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Tekkom Quiz 1



S -> S+A | S-A  | A+S | A-S | B*A

B-> aB | B(a+B) | B*a | a(a+B) | b

A-> a

Tentukan First, Follow dan Table dari Production diatas!



–          Left Recursive

S-> A+SS’ | A-SS’ | B*AS’

S’-> +AS’ | -AS’ | e

B-> aBB’ | a(a+B)B’ | bB’

B’-> (a+B)B’ | *aB’ | e


–          Left Factory

S-> AS”  | B*AS’

S’-> +AS’ | -AS’ | e

S”-> +SS’ | -SS’

B-> aB” | bB’

B’-> (a+B)B’ | *aB’ | e

B”-> BB’ | (a+B)B’



First (S) = {a, b}

First (S’) = {+, -, e}

First (S”) = {+, -}

First (B) = {a, b}

First (B’) = {(, *, e}

First (B”) = {a, b, (}

First (A) = {a}


Follow (S) = {$, +, -}

Follow (S’) = {$, +, -}

Follow (S”) = {$, +, -}

Follow (B) = {), (, *}

Follow (B’) = {), (, *}

Follow (B”) = {), (, *}

Follow (A) = {$, +, -}










S-> AS’’ | B*AS’

S-> B*AS’


S’-> +AS’ | e

S’-> -AS’ | e



S’’-> +SS’

S’’-> -SS’


B-> aB”

B-> bB’


B’-> (a+B)B’ | e


B’-> *aB’ | e


B”-> BB’

B”-> BB’

B”-> (a+B)B’





S->if E the S|if E then S else S|V:=E






S->if E then S S’ | V:=E

S’-> ε |else S

V->id V’

V’-> ε | [E]

E->T E’

E’-> +TE’ | -TE’| ε


T’-> *FT’|/FT’| ε


First (S)= {if , id}

First (S’)= {ε , else}

First (V)= {id}

First (V’)= {ε , [ }

First (E)= {id, ( , const}

First (E’)= {+, -, ε}

First (T)= {id, (, const}

First (T’)= {* , / , ε}

First (F)={id, (, const}

Follow (S)={ $ , else }

Follow (S’)= { $ , else }

Follow (V)= { : , * , / }

Follow (V’)= {  [ , : , * , / }

Follow (E)= { then, $ , else }

Follow (E’)= { then, $ , else }

Follow (T)= { + , – }

Follow (T’)= { + , – }

Follow (F)= { * , / }

if then else : = id [ ] ( ) + * / const $
S S->if E then S S’ S-> V:=E
S’ S’-> εS’->else S S’-> ε
V V->id V’
V’ V’-> ε V’-> εV’->[E] V’-> ε V’-> ε
E E->T E’ E->T E’ E->T E’
E’ E’-> ε E’-> ε E’-> +TE’E’-> -TE’ E’-> +TE’ E’-> -TE’ E’-> ε
T T’->FT’ T’->FT’ T’->FT’
T’ T-> ε T-> ε T’-> *FT’ T’->/FT’
F F->V F->(E) F->const


S ->  a = A

A -> aA’ | bA’

A’ -> +AA’ | e

First (S) = { a }

First (A) = {a , b}

First (A’) = {+ , e }

Follow (S) = { $ }

Follow (A) = { $ , +}

Follow (A’) = { $ , + }






S ->  a = A


A -> aA’ | bA’ A -> aA’ | bA’


A’ -> e

A’ -> +AA’

A’ -> e


be -> bt be’

be’ -> or bt be’

be’ -> e

bt -> bf bt’

bt’ -> and bf bt’

bt’ -> e

bf -> not bf

bf -> ( be)

bf -> true

bf -> false

Periksalah input sebagai berikut : not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true

a.       Menentukan First

First (be)              : not, (, true, false

First (be’)            : or, e

First (bt)               : not, (, true, false

First (bt’)             : e, and

First (bf)               : not, (, true, false

b.      Menentukan follow

Follow (be)         : { $, ) }

Follow (be’)        : { $, ) }

Follow (bt)          : { or, $, ) }

Follow (bt’)         : { or, $, ) }

Follow (bf)          : { or, $, ), and }

c.       Tabel

not true false
  • or
and ( ) $
be be à bt be’ be à bt be’ be à bt be’ be à bt be’
be’ be’ à or bt be’
bt bt à bf bt’ bt à bf bt’ bt à bf bt’
bt’ bt’ à e bt’ à and bf bt’

bfbf à not bfbf àtruebf àfalse

d.      Pemeriksaan Input

No. Stack Input Output
1. be $ not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true be à bt be’
2. bt be’ $ not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bt à bf bt’
3. bf bt’ be’ $ not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bf ànot bf
4. notbfbt’ be’ $ not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop not
5. bf bt’ be’ $ (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bf à (be)
6. (be) bt’ be’ $ (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop (
7. be) bt’ be’ $ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true be àbt be’
8. bt be’) bt’ be’ $ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bt à bf bt’
9. bf bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bf à true
10. truebt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop true
11 bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bt’ à ε
12 be’) bt’ be’ $ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true be’ àor bt be’
13. orbt be’ ) bt’ be’ $ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop or
14. bt be’) bt’ be’ $ false) and true and true and false not (false) true bt à bf bt’
15. bf bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ false) and true and true and false not (false) true bf à false
16. falsebt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop false
17. bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ ) and true and true and false not (false) true bt’ à ε
18. be’) bt’ be’ $ ) and true and true and false not (false) true be’ à ε
19. )bt’ be’ $ ) and true and true and false not (false) true pop )
20. bt’ be’ $ and true and true and false not (false) true bt’ à and bf bt’
21. and bf bt’ be’ $ and true and true and false not (false) true pop and
22. bf bt’ be’ $ true and true and false not (false) true bf à true
23. truebt’ be’ $ true and true and false not (false) true pop true
24. bt’ be’ $ and true and false not (false) true bt’ à and bf bt’
25. and bf bt’ be’ $ and true and false not (false) true pop and
26. bf bt’ be’ $ true and false not (false) true bf à true
27. truebt’ be’ $ true and false not (false) true pop true
28. bt’ be’ $ and false not (false) true bt’ à and bf bt’
29. and bf bt’ be’ $ and false not (false) true pop and
30. bf bt’ be’ $ false not (false) true bf à false
31. falsebt’ be’ $ false not (false) true pop false
32. bt’ be’ $ not (false) true ditolak

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